Luxury Dessert Condo

Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo
Luxury Dessert Condo

Property Details

Beds Baths Garage

Property Description

Luxury Desert Condo has been experiencing gentrification for the last few years as young urban professionals, finding themselves priced out of Las Vegas and Reno have found still affordable housing in this fine city. A core of counter-culture writers, artists, and filmmakers has existed in this town since the 20s...

Property Type

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